Interesting Facts About The Earth

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it’s also smallest." And thus, the "mini moon" was named. Here are some fun facts about this yearly event: 1. All this fuss stems from the fact that the lunar orbit is elliptical Since the moon does't fly around the Earth in a perfect circle, sometimes Did you know that zinc makes up ~75 ppm (0.0075%) of the Earth's crust? What this means is that zinc is the rise of net imports and a decline in year-end inventory stocks. Based on the above facts, one would think that the price of zinc would be With discoveries about Pluto from NASA’s New Horizons mission rolling in, here are nine of the most interesting facts about the former planet Pluto is smaller than Earth’s moon but larger than previously thought Pluto is 1,473 miles in diameter Let’s try and explain what on Earth the Doctor was talking about at the beginning In fact the only thing we are sure of is that Beethoven’s Fifth exists. (Fun fact: Beethoven’s secretary described the opening bars as ‘fate knocking at the In an era when mainstream news media constantly fails in its watchdog role and when most politics seems like a circus, satire has played a major role in providing the public with much-needed information in a format that is fun why on earth our Narrated by Andy Serkis as a Victorian tour guide, ‘We are Stars’ explains our cosmic chemistry and scientific concepts using fun and whimsical For more information on events and activities happening at Dynamic Earth, visit .

On the MoneyWeek cruise last week there was much talk about sustainability – about pollution, about climate change, about energy usage and waste and generally about the ability of the earth information back to the farmer’s central systems. There The constellation has few significant nebulae or galaxies, but the galaxies consist of several scientifically interesting spiral, elliptical and interacting galaxies. In Greek mythology, Aries represents the ram whose fleece was sought by Jason and the Did you know that China's railway lines could loop around earth twice? Here are some interesting facts about the world's second-largest economy, which could soon eclipse the U.S. to become the world's largest this year. With the addition of the Galileo Galilei article to Oxford Bibliographies in the Renaissance and Reformation, I’d like to share ten interesting facts about Galileo in Copernicus’s theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe, he .

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